
Guest Post Guidelines:

Guidelines remains same for selfawarenesshub and glbaat

What should be motto behind the article

Content should be written keeping in mind high quality information sharing not promotions. Many writers will aim to promote their products but we aim to provide some useful information to the readers, So we will also monitor the content in cycle of one or two month*. If we found that bloggers are righting content only to promote their products not for educational purpose we have all rights to delete their post. Posts are not meant to promote your products or affiliate business Also if you need to mention any service that you provide or anything please mention in the authors bio not in the main article. Main article is for the education purpose only.

Note this point

We will provide username and password to each of the candidate who is submitting the guest post and it is their duty to add feature image as well as publish the post with the below guidelines. We are not charging any money for the post but high content and feature image is must. Please go follow the guidelines.

Size of the Feature Image

1200 * 628. You should provide genuine feature image and if it is taken from some source then please mention the embedded code to give the credit to the original maker of the image. You will not be able to post it from the credentials provided to you so please provide us in the gmail attachment.

Needs following

Needs tags, focused keyword as well as meta description. Authors can write bio in their user section once they will login using details provided to them. They can add their profile image from Gravatar. Please note that articles written are for quality content. One and maximum of two useful links are acceptable in the article. Links must open in the new tab. Mention your websites and social links along with the Bio in the user section (which is considered as your second link). These links must be very relevant and not for promotions.


  1. Guest Posts must be your own original content. Plagiarized content will not be accepted.
  2. We do not make surety of posting your content if it is found violating, and not adhering to our policy.
  3. After publishing your content on aisangam.com it will be termed as the property of aisangam.
  4. Guest Post writers will be allowed to have one link to their website or social media profile within the author’s bio. Only one link within the article will be allowed.
  5. Posts may be subject to modification by us where it is needed.
  6. We can paste any add or affiliate link on your submitted post. We have that ownership
  7. Any guest blogger who wants to submit the article to us make sure that any link added in the article must be open in new tab.
  8. If you wish to publish/reprint any article on our site you must abide by following regulations:
    1. You agree not to republish any article published on this website without providing the information of the original source i.e aisangam.com (https://www.aisangam.com/).
    2. Agree to never reprint any article from this site via any unsolicited email, spamming, or pop up ads.
    3. Agree to never modify, change or sell the content from this website to anywhere else.
    4. Number of articles per year you publish should not be greater than 300 for a unique domain that you own.
    5. You will not use any content from our website to translate in any our context or create derivative works anywhere else/ personal profit.
    6. Agree to never reprint any author’s photo or image published on our site.
    7. Each article will be published after proper inspection of the content either it follows our guidelines or not.
  • If you violate any of the above terms of service and/ author copyright, you agree to be liable for all attorney fees and statutory damages awarded upon a copyright infringement lawsuit against you.
  • You agree to never use crawlers, bots, site scrapers or any automated script/ to mine the article content on aisangam.com. You acknowledge that we may block your access to our site and/or membership.
  • Aisangam do not take any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information represented on this site. Content and information presented on this site is for educational or entertainment purposes only.
  • Aisangam do not promote any product or recommend anything through the guest post. It’s all the responsibility of the readers if they reflect for any service or product represented by authors in guest post.

Please do send your article at aisangamofficial@gmail.com with the feature image. Feature image makes the article to look better and is essential while sending the article to us. To make the publication more easier go with the another way which is mentioned below.

Another way is that we will provide you username and password. You can paste the unique content there and send us images at at aisangamofficial@gmail.com. Make sure that content and image is copyright free else we will not publish your content 

With Regards
AI Sangam  

If you donot want to send the article, you can paste the article down following all the above guidelines.


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