Real time Face detection

Real time face detection has become a boon to the humanity. Building apps for such can help to locate children which are trafficked. Technology can serve the society only if it is used in the constructive way. Such app can help in identifying wrong person in bank or any other social place and can safeguard money and human life in better way. These are some of the areas I have addresses and for more details you can visit real time applications of face detection. You can also visit you tube video which is one of the popular video. To learn basic of machine learning steps involved in training and classification you may visit child company selfawarenesshub. You can also learn how deep learning has changed our live from other child company glbaat. In the similar way you must know about different models of machine learning and deep learning. For such you may subscribe you tube channel so that you will receive the notification when the new video is released. Now coming back to services offered by AI Sangam with respect to this please see here below:

Services offered by us:

  • Face identification
  • Unique person counting
  • Gender detection
  • Face verification