General python coding for skill development and error diagnostic.
Steps undergo for prediction of heart dataset
This article applies heart disease prediction having multiclass values in the target column using machine learning and python environment. Dataset is taken from UCI Machine learning repository. Please click on…
Result Analysis Live Project- Lung Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning
Optical Character Recognition using NLP
Introduction: OCR is a system which allows scanning of printed text, handwritten text or converting images into a computer process able format which may be either plain text or word…
Image taken from
Introduction Flask is a Microframework for python based on Werkzeug and Jinja2. Werkzeug is a WSGI utility library for python. WSGI is a protocol which ensures that web application and…
Object detection using deep learning
Object detection: This is the process of finding and classifying variables objects in an image or in video. Algorithms are fed special features which determine which class a particular object…